Spirit Island, Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park / Summer 2019
My favourite place in all my travels has got to be Spirit Island, Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park. It is a somewhat isolated spot on the lake that you can only reach it by tour boat, but these boats arrive every fifteen minutes. So you hustle to take as many photos as you can before the boat horn calls you back. But in those fifteen minutes, you realize you are standing on sacred ground in one of the most beautiful spots in the world,
It was a cloudy, rainy day, this summer, but we were lucky to avoid the rain, but the island was silhouetted by the low clouds and fog in the distance. If you get a chance to go to Jasper National Park, Spirit Island is a must-see. We visit it every time we go to Jasper.
When Kodak first came out with their colour film, a photographer came to Spirit Island and photographed it. His photograph was displayed for months at Grand Central Railway station in New York and from that publicity Spirit Island became a much sought after tourist attraction.