Color Activities
My grandson, Alex, trying out his cousin’s John Deere tractor.
color Activities
Pretend you are the first person to discover a rainbow. What colors would you see? If you have a prism, hold it to the light and see it reflect on a surface. Each raindrop acts like a prism and separates the colors. The colors run into each other, so the red and yellow mix and you see orange, etc. There are no lines separating the colors.
a) If you named the rainbow colors after fruits or vegetables, what names would you choose? What color already is named after a fruit? Are there some problems naming a basic color after a fruit such as an apple?
b) If you named the rainbow colors after flowers, what names would you choose? What rainbow color is named after a flower? Is there a problem in naming a basic color after a flower such as a rose?
We can see millions of colors and shades. If you paint the walls of a house you are looking for a particular color. Paint companies will have a display of many different shades of a particular color and they give them names. Get your Mom to get some of the paint swatches and give them your own names. Paint companies describe colors by asking the following questions.
a) What thing does the color look like?
b) Of what place does the color remind you?
c) What emotions does the color make you feel?
d) Of what experiences does the color remind you?
At the top of this page are paint swatches of blue, red, and green. How would you describe each shade?
Write a paint company telling them why you would be a good person to name paint colors.
Have a tractor day and use tractor names for colors. Jesse uses four in his story. You can use more tractor names by checking the page called All the Tractors of the Rainbow and write poems and songs about your colors.
Roses are Case, Violets are Ford, Sugar is sweet but not as sweet as you.
Tie a caterpillar ribbon around the old oak tree; it’s been three long years; do you still want me?
These are very old songs, but I’m a very old person.
Complement somebody on their Kubota (orange) shirt or their Long Landtrac (purple) parka.
Mix it up a bit by using the names of other tractors that are red, green, blue, or yellow.
John Deere has a website for children’s activities. Check it out.