This summer we made another trip to Jasper National Park, even though we went the previous year. Last year the road was closed to Mount Edith Cavell, so I had to go and find out the condition of my favourite cirque glacier, Angel Glacier this year. I was worried that it had joined the ranks of the disappearing glaciers around the world due to climate change, (The U,S, Glacier National Park no longer has any.)
As you scan the photos, you can see its body has shortened and its wings have thinned. In the top photo the angel seems ready for lift-off. You don’t get the same impression of the glacier in 2019. I wanted to climb to the alpine meadow as I had done in 1972 and 1985, but I physically was unable to do so. I was so tired and so old. I think I will try again next year, so I can match viewpoints.
I was struck by a comment of a scientist on a CBC National News item about melting glaciers a short time ago. The scientist stated that we humans have been given stewardship of these magnificent forces of nature and they are melting away, It is ironic that in my need to see Angel Glacier and driving to Jasper National Park, my carbon footprint is contributing to its demise.
Angel Glacier
Top to Bottom: 1972, 1985, 2019