The Book is Coming
We add the title, author and illustrator and the cover is done.
We have added some color changes to reflect the fall season and we added red to the barn. Now it is ready for the title and design of the pages inside the book.
Now we have added color to the cover. What do you think?
This is the revised cover. The next step is color. compare it to the first pencil sketch below.
We Received the First pencil Sketches.
The process of developing the illustrations for the picture book has begun. My friend, author Lloyd Ratzlaff, went through the illustrations, and we made suggestions. The suggestions will go back to the artist, who will send revised illustrations. Once the pencil sketches are approved, they are returned with color added. Revisions can be made at this point to color, and once these are approved, the book is printed.
I enjoyed this comment from Shara Fergus Neufeldt who provided this comment of her daughter Phoenix. Phoenix looked at this and teased "How did he know how to draw me?”